Friday, January 8, 2010

Dvd Buffer I Am Trying To Burn A Dvd But Device Buffer % Moves All The Time It Is Not Still At It Is Suppost To Be?

I am trying to burn a dvd but device buffer % moves all the time it is not still at it is suppost to be? - dvd buffer

I use an external DVD burner ImgBurn program to try to burn at 4x, but Insted, because the burning question of the buffer to 7 x


hangfire said...

When burning a DVD, you need the data to have available continuously. If the burner to write data and is not, then the hard drive is screwed.

Therefore, through a stamp, because even if you have any data in the buffer, to make a few stops and starts in the writing of data into the buffer.

You will see the% buffer up and down, because the data is read and written, but in reality it is fast enough. It appears that you have problems, the data on the external drive is fast enough if you only want to burn at 0.7.

What kind of connection you have. USB2 is it? That should be enough, I would say, but not yet calculated, the actual data are needed.

john r said...

If the buffer is moving all the time. Mine goes to 99, then flows downward.

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