Friday, February 12, 2010

How Do The Saw Traps Work How Could I Get The Traps From The Saw Movies?

How could I get the traps from the saw movies? - how do the saw traps work

How can the pitfalls of the movies they see? The trap, I am particularly in view of the Venus flytrap and the angels.

What kind of metal is necessary to form and block the ends of the skin and muscles?

I know nothing about make the "release" mechanisms, they can ignore.


Fdas F said...

I use a type of metal ions, and be strong. I want to study only the movie and try to imitate the designs. I do not know what the Venus flytrap, but trying to catch an angel of the work is used (with a key that can not escape), or puzzle wizard kill the person? I think the only way to designs of traps would cause the makers of Saw speak.

lostfana... said...

What do you write your questions
But perhaps only a Liitle illegal.
Not to mention, a little sick and twisted.

Jhonny Boy said...

O man is bad. sorry

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